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Rates and Ratios

All of the programs at Sunshine Learning Center follow all of the Department of Human Services and Iowa Child Care Quality Rating Scale rules and guidelines. Staff go above and beyond to ensure that we are not only meeting regulations, but following Best Practice whenever possible.




Infants/Tots: (6 weeks to 23 months)


1 staff to 4 children

Weekly Rate: $200





Twos: (24 months to 35 months)


1 staff to 7 children

Weekly Rate: $180   





Preschoolers: (3 yrs to Kindergarten )


1 staff to 10 children (3 yrs) and 1 staff to 12 children (4 yrs)

Weekly Rate: $160




School Age:(Kindergarten to 12 yrs )

1 staff to 15 children


School Days: $8.00/hour 


Weekly Minimum During School: $40


Summer Weekly Rate: $130







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